Creating a workflow class

All worklow definitions must specify a workflow class to use. For example, the workflow schema below specifies a class of pixl8.webflow:

version: 1.0.0
  id: my-workflow
  class: pixl8.webflow

# ...

What is a workflow class

A workflow class tells the engine which storage implementation to use for storing workflow state and which scheduler implementation to use for scheduling automatic actions using timers.

Registering a class

This class must be registered with the CfFlow engine in order to be usable. No pre-built classes or storage/scheduler implementations exist in the core engine as of the current version so you must implement your own and register them with the engine.

Registering a class is as follows:

// registering the storage class + scheduler
cfflow.registerStorageClass( "", myDbStorageImpl );
cfflow.registerScheduler( "", mySchedulerImpl );

// registering the class
	  className    = "my.cfflow.class"
	, storageClass = ""
	, scheduler    = ""