

ref: string
meta: object
args: object
not: boolean
- # {condition}
- # {condition}
- # {condition}
- # {condition}


Name Required Type Description
ref true string Identifier of the registered condition class to use
meta false object Arbitrary data to help describe your condition. Not used by the engine.
args false object Arbitrary data to pass to the condition class when evaluating the condition
not false boolean Whether or not the condition result should be inveresed.
and false array Array of condition objects that must also be true.
or false array Array of condition objects that may alternatively be true.

JSON schema

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "condition.schema.json",
    "type": "object",
    "title": "Workflow condition",
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "description":"A condition represents a decision and will evaluate to either true or false when executed.",
    "required":[ "id"],
        "ref":{ "type":"string", "description":"Unique identifier for a condition evaluator that has been registered with the workflow engine." },
        "args":{ "type":"object","description":"Arbitrary set of arguments that will be passed to the condition handler." },
        "meta":{ "type":"object", "description": "Abitrary metadata that you may use to describe the condition." },
        "not":{ "type":"boolean", "description": "If set to true (default is false), condition must be false." },
            "description": "Optional array of conditions that also must evaluate true for the parent condition to be true",
            "items": {
            "description": "Optional array of conditions that alternatively can evaluate true for the parent condition to be true",
            "items": {