Initial action


id: string
meta: object
condition: # {condition}
defaultResult: # {defaultResult}
- # {conditionalResult}
- # {conditionalResult}


Name Required Type Description
id true string Unique identifier for the action within the workflow.
meta false object Arbitrary data to help describe your action. Not used by the engine.
condition false object condition object defining the condition which must be true in order for this action to be chosen.
defaultResult true object defaultResult object.
conditionalResults false array Array of conditionResult objects.

JSON Schema

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "webflow.init.schema.json",
    "type": "object",
    "title":"Webflow initialization definition",
    "description":"The init definition describes items such as pre-conditions for the flow, initial state and handler for extracting instance arguments.",
    "properties": {
            "description":"Definition The starting state for an instance of the flow.",
                "handler":{ "type":"string", "description":"Coldbox handler that will return instance state in a struct." },
                "args":{ "type":"object", "description":"Hardcoded properties that will be returned as instance args" },
                "configform":{ "type":"string", "description":"Preside form ID that will be used to configure initial state for an instance of this flow. (i.e. an admin user will use this form to configure a specific instance of the flow)" }
            "description":"Definition of unique set of args that will identify an instance of this flow. These can be generated from a handler or hardcoded as a set of args here.",
                "handler":{ "type":"string", "description":"Coldbox handler that will return instance args in a struct. It will be passed initialState struct with any initial state." },
                "args":{ "type":"object", "description":"Hardcoded properties that will be returned as instance args" }
        "condition": {
            "type": "object",
            "description":"CFFlow condition that must evaluate true in order for the flow to be able to be instantiated / worked through.",
            "$ref": "webflow.condition.schema.json"